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Thursday, August 11, 2011


"Eureka": A cry of joy or satisfaction when one finds or discovers something.

This is one thing Marshal Jack Carter does not do when he discovers Eureka, a small town in the middle of nowhere no one knows about, and never will. With his car totaled he has no other choice than to stay in the town for a few days until it is fixed, a task that he finds a little hard to do since the D.O.D is telling him to mind his own business and not to touch anything. And with strange happenings in the town going on, the townsfolk showing their true colors and the town's sherif out of commission, he can't just sit around and do nothing!
Before he knows what's happening he is being forced to sign a nondisclosure agreement and is told that this odd town he found himself in is a top-secret community for the world's best, brightest and strangest. But something's going wrong, and they need him to help.
With wormholes, dogs, and a people that blow things up daily in a science-fuiled glee, this town both attracts and repels him but when his car is finally fixed tables are turned, Eureka needs a sherif-and he fits the bill.

The mixture of oddball characters and a unique plot gives this series a impressive flare that leaves a taste in your mouth, the kind of taste that makes you slowly inch toward the bag for just one more. It gives you a blot of science fiction with a likable hint of possibility, like what these people are actually doing in their little sciencey worlds are doable, not just something writers are making up to be cool.

The characters, who are the worlds best scientists live in a suburban world where one might ask his neighbor "Hey Phil, you mind if I borrow your plasma cutter for my hedges?" These characters are all quirky, smart, funny, backwards, and all oblivious that they are any of those. They look at Jack, the only normal one, and think that he is the only odd one. This world of non stereotypical characters with Mr. Normal thrown in gives this series an awesome storyline where it's not just the plot that keeps you staring, it's the mere conversations between characters that make it watchable.

Though it is a very colorful and creative show, the blend of "normal words" and "graphic scenery" makes it wobble. As in we get to see mutilated animals appear every now and then along with sex-crazied hosts and words not meant to be said in front of your children and apparently your parents as well. What makes me sad is that although this is a problem, it's stereotypical, and expected. In other words, if you watch TV, you can watch this. "Safe peril" is also included. "Safe peril" is where although a life-threatening event in happening, you still feel like everything is going to be ok. This is something that I rather like.    

In conclusion, this series gives you a break from normal TV, where the cops need to catch the robber, the surgeon needs to sow, where you can't see a show without guns being fired to pad time. This show gives you color, fun, and wishful thinking full of a longing for citizenship to this strange town, because to live in any other show you would live under the constant fear of being shot. In this show, although violence does happen, and deaths do appear, the show provides an allusion of security making you feel like the characters are safe. Though the animals in it may not be :)

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