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Monday, May 30, 2011

Upcoming Movies

The Green Lantern, June 17: Green is the new good in the upcoming movie "Green Lantern". Although I am worried about the "rating" outcome of this movie because of the scene with the Green man waking up in bed with a girl he hardly even knows, I think that this movie might just show a true redemption story where the bed scene shows only how messed up and self-centered he was before and then how he risks his life for others after. With great CGI and story to boot! Something tells me that gone are the dark and depressing Marvel movies, that is, if they don't add a bucket full of swear words. Weigh In Guess: 75%

Mr. Popper's Penguins, June 17: Another movie full of animals and potential "doo-doo" puns. I have a strange feeling that this movie may just get a lot of viewers though......on the first day, then plummet the next. The only redeeming quality I see is the use of the many-faced Jim Carrey in this film, he may just be funny and spastic enough to get people to come and enjoy it, since after all, Mr. Popper will be in the state of loosing his mind because of the arrival of the flightless birds. The movie may do well, if the animals don't talk and......they aren't dogs. In conclusion I think that it will be a 50-50 movie, as long as they don't use every animal joke that is used in every kid's movie involving said animal and also, it looks like "Old Dogs" meets "Animal Planet". Weigh-In Guess: 52%

Cars 2, June 24: It seems as though that Pixar wishes to continue the stories of their loved, and beautifully developed characters and after Toy Story 3 it seems that Cars 2 is next on their agenda. I loved the first one, Cars it being my favorite Pixar film next to Ratatouille (Man, thats hard to spell) was wonderfully made with photo realistic characters that made you feel like you know them by the time the credits rolled. But this time, racing and friendship-building do not seem like the center plot, this time it's about........espionage?! Not only that, the center character seems to be the hillbilly car, Mater. This movie may sound a little different, but it seems like another Pixar hit, although I have a feeling that it will not be as original as the first it will redeem itself with even-better visuals, 3x the action, and a revisit with the unforgettable vehicles. Weigh In Guess: 89%

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