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Sunday, November 6, 2011

Captain America

Captain America has been reinvented by marvel in a desperate attempt to salvage what is left of the American way. Only one problem... Does anyone remember the American way?

This has been my most anticipated Marvel movie, something about superheroes and the 1940s really spoke to me and it said "cool". But then I finished watching it the disembodied voice finally said "I tried to be cool."


The movie was too unrealistic and fast-paced. The technology available to the Germans was better than what we have available today! If they wanted watchers to believe what was going one they would have made more effort to preserve the integrity of the year the movie was taking place in! Not only that but the damage the Germans did with these weapons caused many towns to crumble, if they wanted people to be convinced then why wouldn't they explain why these destructions where completely wiped from history?!? Now down to the fast paced part, the movie would not let you get close to any of the characters. In fact, they killed off a main character before you even had a chance to care! The movie just kept a truckin, one second you are at a fair, the next you seeing Cap get muscles, next thing you know he's on Broadway, then he breaks into one of the most fortified compounds known to himself without any formal training whats-so-ever, then he's promoted, forms a band of misfit fighters (With an American Asian solder, which, if I know my history, wasn't all Asians sent to a consentrason camp after pearl harbor?) Then he's on a train, then a bike, then he beats the bad guy...... As with Thor, character development was almost non-existant.

Sorry, the nerd in me took over. But in all seriousness, it was a movie, more fun than action. It wasn't meant to be realist, it was just simply made to be a film. For amusement (not thinking). And to get Capt. in the film series before the avengers comes out.

If you ask me, I would call the movie Marvel's attempt at family movie night, but if you ask me another question, I would say the the video game had a way better plot.

1 comment:

  1. I liked it (Clearplayed of course). Who needs deep characters with all that action? And the cool suit. And the shield. Yes, the shield.
