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Sunday, November 6, 2011

Movie Credits

Ask anyone who knows me and they will confirm that I always say "I always judge the quality of a movie by it's credits." And if you don't stay till the end of the credits, you are lame. You aren't giving these thousands of people credit.......and you might miss out on some cool last clip.

Now why you ask do I do that? That is because credits are supposed to be fun! The end of a movie, when the tension dies down, when you finally get to wipe your eyes from laughing so hard, when you can breath a sigh of relief! If you can tell that they spent no money on the end, you can bet that these people didn't love making the film.

My favorite credits are ones that fill in the gap, where you find out what happens after the happily ever after! Along with the ones that aren't over the top, like iRobot, where bits of tech-looking lines pop up according to the music in a very dramatic fashion, to match the drama of the movie.
Remember, credits match the mood of the movie, look for it the next time you watch a film!

Here are two credits that mirror the film.
Bolt, which shows the carefree fun, and whimsey of the movie using a different yet equally as effective art style
And iRobot, which shows the drama, without the need for many visuals.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, credits rule. And thanks for the samples. Stay till the end people!
