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Sunday, November 6, 2011

DVD TIME: Cars 2

This last week another Pixar film came out on Bluray, so if you haven't seen it in theaters, I hope that this review will help you decide to run over to RedBox right now! But, uh, don't trip.

Pixar never fails to bring us a fresh new idea, even if they are recycling one of their old ones, and Cars 2 is no exception!

This time instead of racing and fixing egos, this Cars movie revolves around believe it or not, SPIES! Which is quite clever if you think about it, one of the coolest gadgets a spy has is his car. Spy Cars that can shoot missiles, fly and burn rubber are all a part of this flick, but the way Pixar does it makes James Bond wish he was a car.

This is the most filled out Pixar movie I have ever seen, there is not a single scene where they could have added another thing. The movie was a completely basted turkey with all the trimmings. It's one of those movies where you wish that you could view the entire film in slow motion just so you could see each and every minute detail!

But sadly, the most of characters that you all knew and loved in the last were somewhat "hollow" last second additions to the movie. They were all nothing but a shell of their former selves (a little joke for the people who know computer animation). Mater is the only exception for he is the star of the film and the new characters replace the old in a way that "somewhat" makes it "ok". Somehow I think that the only reason they kept the old characters is so they could make some money in a toy deal.

But one thing I did not expect in this race em up, is that it would also be a "shoot em up". Cars get blown up, shot, and tortured until they writhe in pain and die a painful death.......something I was not expecting in a "G" rated kids film. I don't know how the ratings board let this film get a "G". And these being colorful Pixar characters, it makes the violence worse. In one cringing scene we see the cubed remains of an agent car. But if you remove the few violent scenes that I have all mentioned here, you've got yourself one heck of an action film!  

Characters and violence aside, Pixar out did themselves in this film. It was a good film, but a classic summer movie with explosions and shiny things. But I did not try in any way to make this flick sound bad, it was another great pixar movie, a movie everyone needs to see and enjoy!

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