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Thursday, January 26, 2012

First of all, I would like to thank you for attending the "Zay-y" Awards! This is where movies of the past year (2011) are rated using the highest authority in the land, ME!
This award goes to the worst film I've seen this year,
The Nominations were,
Green Lantern
Transformers: Dark of the Moon
Captain America

And the winner (Or looser) is................GREEN LANTERN!

Though the other movies deserved the title, this film had a very special place in my arteries. It's pure lack of character development and its rebellion against well written scripts made my movie loving spirit weep with no end. The only thing that made the movie worse was that the clearplay guy who edited it cut over 30 hours out of the movie for no reason. This movie was just DC comics trying to cash in on Marvel's bounty of movies this year. They didn't worry about characters, scripts or cinematography all they cared about was how much money they could squeeze out of the people pumped up on Marvel films.

In brightest day, in darkest night, no evil will escape my sight....
Then how did this movie get past you?

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