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Monday, January 30, 2012

Plan for this week

Hello everyone! I know that lately I've been a little slacked on my posts lately, but I hope to fix that!
Here are the list of movies and posts I would like to get out this week, and if I don't get a chance, here are some blurbs to calm your movie itch.
Enjoy, and anticipate!

Real Steel: A movie I was pleasantly surprised with. It's great blend of story and effects made me smile. Still, what writer could stand to have a kid swear?

Sherlock Holmes: Game of Shadows: My favorite movie of last year. A wonderful movie which has you grinning ear to ear, beginning to end.

White Collar: When you need to catch a thief, you to need to be one. USA's original series brings on the action, and the humor when the world's best forger turns around and helps the FBI.

Best iPhone apps for movie lovers: You love your iPhone. You love your movies. If only there was a way to.. OH, WAIT!

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