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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

A Look Back @ 2011

Well, it seems as though another year has come and gone. Which means that DVDs for all of our favorite 2011 films should be out soon! Lets have a look back on a few of the films that released last year.

Tron Legacy: Trailers where amazing! Every part of the 30 second trailer was pure action. And that's about the amount of action in the the movie- 30 seconds. This Tron bike went theater-to-netflix streaming in nothing flat. Yet another example that too many effects cause a small script.
Rating: Leave it alone to glow by itself in the dark corners of Walmart.

Thor: Man of muscle, man of honor, man of quick character change. Though Thor didn't break down any doors or run away with my movie-loving heart, it did find a way to squeeze it's way into my DVD collection.
Rating: The mighty hammer of Thor is worth a DVD, but not Bluray.

Green Lantern: Cool! Not. This poor excuse of a movie was DC's small ride on the wave of Marvel movies that came out this year. It hung ten before hanging itself on on gallows of poor movie making. No character, no script, no dice.
Rating: There is no need to tell you not to buy it, because it seems as though the movie case is so embarrassed of the colors it sporting, it's hiding behind Plan 9 from Outer Space.

Captain America: Did you want a kick-butt hero that fights for honor, integrity, and the American way? Well, if you did, it seems as though Marvel though you wanted a flip-flopping, kick-line dancing, idiot who got his powers from drugs. This movie had no research into the 1940's and no creativity.
Rating: Skip Captain America and go straight for the Captain Taiwan movie. It has better quality.

 Courageous: Cinematic gold. Down to earth, real life, and uplifting. Truly a movie to be proud of. Nothing more needs to be said.
Rating: I heard you didn't pre-order it. Why?

Sherlock Holmes, Game of Shadows: My favorite movie of 2011. Every shot planned out, a twist at every turn, and a bucket of cinematic creativity! Humor abounds on this cake with all the trimmings!
Rating: Purchasing this film would be elementary my dear Watson. (He never said this, but he would have)

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