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Monday, February 27, 2012

Coming Soon to a Theater Near You!

The Lorax: I don't know about you, but I really enjoyed Horton Hears a Who! So this movie I am genuinely excited about. In fact, I am taking my little brother to see it! And, as an added bonus the company who put Despicable me together is putting this one together!
My guess: Just a plain ol' fun movie, with some laughs along the way and a few "I'm a bit too old to be watching this, but I don't care" moments.

John Carter: "Disney rep": "Ok guys, I say we rip our own movie off, Prince of Persia and toss it into space. Oh, and let's throw in some of that Star Wars stuff the kids are talking about now a days. And what did we learn from Tron? All effects and no script means an awesome movie!"
I'm pretty sure it went down that way.
My guess: The fact that there wasn't really even a reference to a plot in the trailer, and the fact that their cashing in on the "3D" part should tell you that this movie will be like Tron. Movie Theater-one week later-Netflix.

The Hunger Games: Ok, I'm just about to start the books in prep for the movie. And acording to the trailer, they're sticking to the book like glue! It's kind of looks like "Percy Jackson, meets Narnia, meets awesome." Yeah, I'm gonna see it. And honestly, I'm excited.
My guess: The hunger of all the Hunger Games fans will be satisfied. And it will be bigger than Percy Jackson, but not as big as Narnia.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

White Collar: When you need to catch a rat, you need to think like a rat. When you need to prepare a meal, you need to think like a cook. When you need to catch a thief, you need to be the best thief.

This is the main idea around USA's show  "White Collar". When the world's best forger brokers a deal with the FBI to help catch criminals one question remains. Has he really changed?

Suave meets action in this series. Every episode has humor, action and a surprising twist along with an amazing intertwining connection to every other episode. You can watch them on their own to enjoy them, or you could watch them all to live them. And trust me, you'll want to do the latter.

Of all the shows I've seen and analyzed this one stands out because of the way it handles itself. Most shows have this "set up and film" mentality, however this one just feels like every scene and transition is planned perfectly. Where other shows want the scene changes to feel unnoticeable, this show wants you to notice them and say "that was cool". Every shot and angle makes you feel like you live in the suave world of the main character.

Speaking of characters, this is another reason I love this show. Now, be honest. You know in ever show you watch there's that moment where you look at one of the main characters and say "I hate that guy!" Because the writers overloaded him with too many flaws, or just wanted him to be jerky. In this show, you'll find yourself very hard pressed to find a character you can't say "I love this guy!" to. Everyone is developed, funny, and very much themselves.

Another thing that caught my eyes (or ears) is the fact that this show is rather clean. Now, there's the moment of "Arg! Why did that have to say that?" But of all the other shows I've watched, this one keeps the language to a minimum, and I hope for them to keep it that way.

Really, the only problem I can find in this show is the fact that they don't let those pesky details of reality really get in the way. If real FBI work will get in the way of something they want to show or do, they'll just ignore it. But my father is County Detective, so I'll probably pick up on it more than you will.

I hope you'll enjoy watching it if you end up coming across it on Netflix or TV. Because this show, is not one that you'll want to miss. I just hope that they don't try to crash it into the ground like so many other shows before it.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Movie Soup for the App Lover's Soul

So, I hear that you are in love with your iPhone. Now, now, it's ok. Everyone loves their iPhone, so it's ok, you can vent. But you think it needs something, something more, something that will turn it into the ultimate device. That's right, movies! And how would one get some movie lovin apps? I am glad that I asked myself that, because here I am with the answers!
So right now, grab your iPhone from your pocket (Don't look away from the computer screen), go to the app store, and download these beauties!

 Apple Movie Trailers: One thing I really love about movies, is waiting for them! The goose bumps you get from them are something that truly awakens the movie lover inside of you! And, most of the time, trailers are more epic and\or contain the entire amount of cool scenes in the entire movie. Well, if I might have rung a bell, this is the app for you. With the trailers updated as soon as they are released, the quality spot on, and the interface beaming at you and saying "I love you", this is an app hard to pass up.

Flixster: This is the best out there for finding out when movies are coming out and when DVDs are finally making there appearance after months of waiting. Every movie window comes equipped with trailers, reviews, pics, list of actors, and....Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know I was overwhelming you, I'll stop now.....are you good?...good. It also comes with a theater finder where you can fine the one most convenient for you, with all of its showings for the next week. Now that's a movie app.

IMDB: "I like this movie....wait! I know that actor! Who is he? WHO IS HE!!! ARG! I know this, I know this....AHHHH...." *POOF* "Hello Johnny, I heard your cry for help" "Who are you?" "My name's not important! But here, I have this to help you with your dilemma!" "It's an iPhone" "Oh hahaha! This isn't just any iPhone, it's one with IMDB!" "Really?" "Yes Johnny, now search for the movie you're watching." *Typing* "There's the movie I'm watching! Here's all types of cool facts about it, and reviews! Oh, and there's the actor! I knew I saw him before, here's the list of all the movie's he's been in!" "What's his name?" "Brad Pitt!" "Boy, keep the iPhone, if you can't figure that out, you'll need it."