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Monday, February 27, 2012

Coming Soon to a Theater Near You!

The Lorax: I don't know about you, but I really enjoyed Horton Hears a Who! So this movie I am genuinely excited about. In fact, I am taking my little brother to see it! And, as an added bonus the company who put Despicable me together is putting this one together!
My guess: Just a plain ol' fun movie, with some laughs along the way and a few "I'm a bit too old to be watching this, but I don't care" moments.

John Carter: "Disney rep": "Ok guys, I say we rip our own movie off, Prince of Persia and toss it into space. Oh, and let's throw in some of that Star Wars stuff the kids are talking about now a days. And what did we learn from Tron? All effects and no script means an awesome movie!"
I'm pretty sure it went down that way.
My guess: The fact that there wasn't really even a reference to a plot in the trailer, and the fact that their cashing in on the "3D" part should tell you that this movie will be like Tron. Movie Theater-one week later-Netflix.

The Hunger Games: Ok, I'm just about to start the books in prep for the movie. And acording to the trailer, they're sticking to the book like glue! It's kind of looks like "Percy Jackson, meets Narnia, meets awesome." Yeah, I'm gonna see it. And honestly, I'm excited.
My guess: The hunger of all the Hunger Games fans will be satisfied. And it will be bigger than Percy Jackson, but not as big as Narnia.

1 comment:

  1. So how was the Lorax? I didn't watch that one. Agree with everything you said about John Carter - like seriously, what were people thinking. And of course we both know now how AWESOME the Hunger Games move was.

    I also love that as soon as I came on here I saw the new sides and was like "HUNGER GAMES!!!"
    Anyway, should have seen me in the movie theater I was freaking out so badly - I'm such a fangirl.

    Anyway, you haven't posted in a while. Are you going to do any reviews on The Lorax or The Hunger Games?? And by the sound of it you didn't see John Carter so I won't ask for that one. =)
