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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Gnomeo and Juliet

"Oh, Gnomes now?"

Ok, have you ever had to watch a movie and the whole time leading up to it you knew it was going to completely stink? So you know it? Have you ever been wrong about it? Yes? Good! But now let me ask you have you ever been wrong and right about it? No? Well then prepare to watch Gnomeo and Juliet.

There has been tension between two neighboring garden gnomes for years "The Reds" VS "The Blues" but not till now has there ever been a spark of romance between a Red and a Blue (Guess what their names are) but also it's not till now that a full blown war is established between the colors. During this heated battle Gnomeo and Juliet try to keep their colors calm and their love a secret but can the love survive while Shakespeare and a water-spitting frog say it's DOOMED? Well, it's a children's film, so it will.

I was sure that this film was going to do rather poorly, and I believe it did, but I also believe that it would have done better if people (like me) were not so put off by talking Gnomes. The movie did something I did not expect, it didn't sick to a formula. Most movies today, "Pirates of the Caribbean", "Smerfs" ect. make their ideas and money based on a formula. And without a previous movie to copy off the movie would never make it into it's production stage.

But this movie did not take that route, which, in the long run helped it. You could not guess the next scene, which kept you on your feet (and I enjoyed that) The characters were smart, lovable, yet goofy. They also came equiped with puns that only the "upper-aged" would get and laugh at, not to mention the little slap-stick moments for the younger class.

But also to a certain degree the movie had what I expected, a tart taste to everyone over twelve years of age, you know, the moments that make you think that you are too old to be watching this, making this movie somewhat too childish, silly, and trying a little too hard just to make a few cheap laughs here and there. But still it had its moments, and although it is not a movie I would consider purchasing, it's a movie that I can enjoy when my younger brother pulls it out.

Don't judge a book by its cover, read the back too.

1 comment:

  1. That last line is AWESOME to the highest degree!! Well put!
