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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Many sorries my faithful readers

Due to the fact that today I have seen no new movies, you will be left reviewless for the next few days. Now, don't cry, I know how much this means to you but it cannot be helped! So as you dry your eyes look toward the future, and toward my next review!

Haven't heard of it either eh? Well, I am not surprised, this was a direct to DVD stink burger that got a not-so-shocking 3.1 out of 10 stars on IMDB! I hope to review it and hopefully, survive it.

Also I heard that cameraman suffered seizures through the entire film.

1 comment:

  1. LOL! Zay, I have seen this one . . . I will reserve my review and comments until after you have posted yours. :) Looking forward to your analysis!
