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Friday, June 3, 2011

Movie Review: I am Number 4

After looking at it's description I was excited, so I decided to place it on my Netflix cue and waited sure enough it was placed in my mail box and the very next day I placed it in my dvd player and watched it. There is only one thing I can was a movie....

After his leg starts glowing and bleeding during a late night swim with a girlfriend (it ruined the moment worse than yelling "FLEE!") "Four" (the undercover alien) finds out that "Three" has been killed. This meant that he was next, although they never explained why they must be killed in order. If I were the bad guy I would kill them in a random sequence and they would never know I was coming.......but let the writers have their moment....
After the death of Three, Four and his Guardian set out for a different life with new identities in the hope that this villain with an "order complex" doesn't find them. Well, he does.

I guess you could enjoy the movie.....after you drove your truck through the hole in the plot. No one says how they got there, why they needed to be killed in order, why didn't the whole "Number family" stay together if they are "more powerful" as a group and how the shape shifting lizard-beagle got there in the first place! Also, about 95% of the movie was about "Four" trying "fit in" with the crowd in high school and fall in love with a girl, who he (spoiler) leaves in the end! Dude, we aren't watching this movie to see you get together with a girl that you end up leaving with her ex-boyfriend...

The movie was too fast during the scenes you wanted to see and too slow in the scenes you didn't care about. And far too many questions were unanswered.  Not to mention the lame props...

The whole thing looked like a Cartoon Network movie special. With Sci-fi, huge prop guns, bad guys in trench coats and special effects that they had to use with discretion because they were on a budget..."Twilight" meets meets "Skyhigh" meets "Race to Witch Mountain" to put it lightly.

Once again I go back to the most important thing in the movie, the characters. These characters were way too stereotype-ish, The nerd, the football jockey jerk, the high school love interest, and our hero, the misunderstood teen that is having a hard life with his family and is trying just to "fit in". Its been done before....but the glowing hands are new.

Basically, you wont find anything new or special about this movie, its been done before and to death. In the end they made room for a sequel.......but I doubt they'll make it to one.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I thought of watching this only because part of it was filmed in Vandergrift. But I think I'll pass!
