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Thursday, June 23, 2011

Movie Characters

Most people do not understand one of the most important items in a movie and that is the beloved characters.

I always say that "If I don't want the characters to hang around after the credits, the movie is not worth watching."

If you can't relate to any of the characters in the smallest of ways then you've lost one of the key components in a film. The characters need to breath, have a life all their own, and make you laugh or cry. A film is not just a pastime, it's an attempt at trying to follow in God's creative footsteps, only God can create life, but making a movie character is the closest thing you can get to doing that in this life. When a filmmaker comes up with a character and gives it life he is overcome with joy! And if that is how it feels when you make a fictional character, just imagine what joy God felt when he made humans, but also how much pain he must have felt when we turned on him.

Just as you would walk over to a friend's house to see said friend, to a lesser degree you would turn on the TV to see the characters again! Characters like Spongebob, Doofenshmirtz, and dare I say it Edward from Twilight, are characters people end up loving (some more unhealthily than others) and characters that once on the screen, take on a life of their own! Would you still watch Spongebob without Spongebob? Or would you still watch your favorite movie without the characters?

Joe Moshier, the lead character designer for the movie Bolt said "...The thing about designing is you can create characters that kids want to meet at Disneyland or become friends with in their minds, that's exciting to me."

Although I can't create life like the one and only true God, I can't wait to become a true filmmaker and come as close as I can to breathing life into a new creation!
And with mine, it can only turn on me if I turn on God.

1 comment:

  1. Here, Here!!! I love creating characters...and I love when a movie gives me a character I LOVE
