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Monday, June 6, 2011

Movie Review: The Green Hornet

I remember the old TV show "The Green Hornet and his masked ward Kato" what a good TV show. And when I heard that they were making a Green Hornet movie, I had goose bumps! I waited a long time for this movie, and if you're looking for the classic Green Hornet kicking butt using his superior intellect.......keep looking.

You heard me, everything I loved and expected from the classic has been removed and replaced.......replaced with content that might just make the movie likable if you just pretended "This guy is not the Green Hornet I know". Yeah Seth Rogan kinda ruined everything about the Lime-colored stinger, but, I have to say he did a rather good job making up for it.

When Britt Reid's father died from a rather ironic bee sting, Britt's already shaky life crumbles to dust. But he finds he's not alone, his father's old mechanic/coffee maker has something in common with him.....he also hated Reid's dad... after a couple of beers and some sharing of frustrating tales they decide to do something crazy, break the law. The only problem is that they timed it wrong, they made it to the crime scene just in time someone. A twist they did not see coming, but one that left them with tingles and in mere seconds they decide to spend a half a million dollars and become super heros known as the Green Bee! Which was later changed to the nicer sounding, Green Hornet.

Reid sheds his suave, sophisticated personality in this film to become a 35 year old 5 year old with a craving for beer and an allergy to the smarts... And Kato changes his undying loyalty to Britt for a deep down "Anti Reid" complex. Confused? Well, so am I. But I am cutting Rogan some slack, he obvioulsy was a fan of the show and this was just a movie he wanted to have fun with.......while giving some die-hard Green Hornet fans a stroke at the same time, but that's besides the point. Although these characters are twisted from the original, these "New Characters" are fun and are very different (in the "Ok" sense of the word) this makes them new hornet creations that make the movie watchable.......its just too bad they're carrying copyrighted names.

This movie has great lines, funny moments (lots o funny moments), hard-core action, and kick-butt cars, its a  movie in fact, that I want to watch again, and maybe even buy. But that is if I get get past the fact that this movie, in no way, has anything to do with the Hornet I know.

P.S. ClearPlay should be your buddy with this film, for some reason Seth placed around 40 S-words in there, just sayin...

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